Prohibits provision or sale of single-use plastic carryout bags and polystyrene foam food service products

Prohibits provision of sale of single-use plastic carryout bags. Stores will have reusable bags available for purchase.

Provision of single-use plastic straws is limited. Sales of pre-packaged plastic straws and beverages with straws are allowed (e.g. juice boxes)

Bans polystyrene foam food service products, commonly known as Styrofoam, that are used for selling or providing a food or beverage, and includes, but not limited to, a food container, plate, hot or cold beverage cup, meat or vegetable tray, cutlery, or egg carton. (e.g., made to order sushi, deli sandwich trays)

Bans paper bags at stores over 2,500 square feet in an effort to get shoppers to bring their own reusable bags. Stores over 2,500 square feet that ONLY handle prepackaged food that does not require time or temperature controls for food safety are exempt from the ban on paper bags (e.g., Bed Bath & Beyond).

Appropriates moneys from Clean Communities Program Fund for public education.
ANJEC, (The Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions) founded in 1969, works to achieve responsible and sustainable use of New Jersey’s natural resources and protection of environmental health. A statewide organization, ANJEC provides leadership, education, and support for environmental commissions and other local boards and public officials, and partners with other organizations to advocate for strong state and regional environmental policy.
New Jersey LCV is the statewide political voice for the environment. We work to elect environmentally responsible candidates to state and local offices. Working with our allies in the community, we advocate for strong environmental policies, support our environmental justice partners in pursuing more equitable policies, and hold our elected officials accountable during the legislative session. Through our political work we are strengthening laws that safeguard the health of our communities, working to help foster inclusion and justice, and protect the beauty of our state and our economic future.
This website is created and maintained by the Association of NJ Environmental Commissions in conjunction with the following partners.
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